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young monk造句

"young monk"是什么意思  
  • Young monks are an undisciplined lot
  • Once , an old monk and a young monk lived in the temple
  • But the young monk worried : when shall i have the achievement like my master
  • The young monk meditated and read the buddhist text as his master told him day after day
  • A skinny monk enters the temple to whom the young monk shed the responsibility of toting water
  • Xuchen said to him , “ light an oil - lamp first ! ” the young monk did it as the master told
    虚尘大师对他说: “先去点燃一盏油灯。 ”小和尚照做了。
  • The abbot was zong rinpoche who took a special interest in the young monk s progress
  • For these young monks , first lesson of the day is a lesson in combat , drills learnt over and over
  • Xuchen continued to say , “ take more oil - lamps , and light them with the first one . ” the young monk did so
    虚尘大师接着又说: “再多取几盏灯来,用第一盏灯去点燃它们。 ”小和尚也照做了。
  • A young monk go on a pilgrimage to third patriarch temple , and his outfit . he is from fuyan temple of mt . heng ( in hunan )
    这位年轻的和尚准备去三祖寺朝圣,完成他的修行,他来自衡山福严寺(湖南) 。
  • It's difficult to see young monk in a sentence. 用young monk造句挺难的
  • But one image seen around the globe , of the battered body of a young monk , face down in a ditch , said it all
  • He led a quiet life teaching young monks from namgyel monastery and his own students and occasionally in meditation retreat
  • After settling in the western chamber , scholar chang learned from a young monk that ying - ying went to the garden to burn incense every night
  • He ' s from fuyan temple of mt . heng in hunan . he is a young monk over twenty . he ' s prepared a journey to a sacred place ? ? the shaolin temple
    他来自湖南衡山的福严寺,年龄只有二十多岁。准备一路朝圣到? ?少林寺去。
  • A young monk in an age - old temple goes down the hill alone to tote drinking water every day , leading a regular way of life
  • One of the young monks went there , and all day long he sat crosslegged , with his hands clasped before him in an attitude of prayer , and murmured “ amita - buddha
  • One of the young monks went there , and all day along he sat cross - legged , with his hands clasped before him in an attitude of prayer , and murmured " amita - buddha
  • " it is the duty of the abbot of each temple to supervise the behavior of young monks , making sure that their religious activities will not be affected by the
    他说: “监督年轻僧侣的行为是每个寺院住持的职责,要保证僧侣们的宗教活动不受世界杯赛的影响。 ”
  • What is more importatnt : satisfying a thousand desires or conquering just one ? in the majestic setting of the himalayas , the brilliant young monk tash . .
  • The last such death was recorded in august 2001 , when young monk kelsang gyatso died after a brief period of detention in lhasa for attempting to travel to india
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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